We are now readying ourselves for that ever important gift list to our friends and family – gifts to treasure or even gifts we just want to keep to ourselves… Click below or above in the spotlight section and you can catch up on our daily countdown gifting ideas – We have saved you the tireless browsing and over the next 24 days, choose local, British, sustainable gifts that make a lasting impact. We have tried to cover every angle from toys to teenagers, courses to campaigns and hopefully a few ideas you might not have had. We will also be announcing plans for our first ever giveaway so make sure you stay tuned.
Fashion Up Your Interiors Louise Roe has become a modern style icon, from family life and motherhood to the red carpet, people across the globe are coveting and swooning over her every move and purchase!
Colour Inspiration from Nature As we move into one of our favourite seasons, it seemed timely to share some wise words from editor extraordinaire, Kerryn Harper-Cuss. Kerryn loves to use our natural plant based paints in her own home and like us when she is choosing colours for s scheme she turns unequivocally to nature.
5 Ideas for Colourful Children’s Rooms If you are redesigning your child’s room and need some inspiration on what colour to go for, look no further. We have put together some of our favourite colourful schemes for Children’s Room’s from soft blues to vibrant yellows.
The best-selling plaster pink everyone needs in their home This is a good yellow pink so I have borrowed the name of a colour made with Dutch Pink in the 18th century (Dutch Pink was actually a yellow pigment). It might be called a plaster pink now that we use gypsum plaster for interior walls and has a wonderful soft hue that hovers between pink and yellow/beige.